steven universe
20: Retro Rewind Podcast, Tolkien, and Geeks in Media
Geek at Arms returns with our 20th episode. Bryan kicks off Geek Out by sharing his excitement about interviews with the Retro Rewind and Min/Max podcasts. James and Mike promptly die of envy. James then shares his likes and dislikes about the book Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View and how much he’s looking … [Read more…]
19: Cowboy Bebop, Steven Universe and the 7th Voyage of Sinbad
Welcome back to another new episode of Geek at Arms! James kicks off Geek Out with details on his families latest trip to the Scarborough Renaissance Festival. He then shares his recent interest and research into what languages Jesus might have spoken during the time of His ministry. Next, Bryan kindly shares a spoiler-free review … [Read more…]